September 27, 2016
Designed in September 2016.
Pedalboard: Pedaltrain Novo 18 TC
Power supply: Walrus Audio Phoenix
Patch cables: Evidence Audio Monorail & Evidence Audio SiS Plug
ABY-boxes, true bypass loopers and MIDI: --
Accessories: Pedaltrain PB2, Pedaltrain PB3, Pedaltrain Universal Mounting Kit
Weight with case: 11,4 kg
Signal chain:
(Offboard Crybaby Wah --> TC Electronic Polytune Mini --> Fulltone Octafuzz --> Keeley Katana Boost --> EHX Micro POG --> Wampler Sovereign Distortion --> Ibanez TS-9 --> Digitech Synth Wah --> Digitech Whammy V --> Maxon Phase Tone --> Malekko Ekko Analog Delay--> TC Electronic Flashback Mini --> TC Electronic Hall Of Fame
September 18, 2023
In the future, we are gonna post our works, actions, and events on our Instagram which gives us more possibility to interact with our customers.
February 18, 2023
August 19, 2022