April 25, 2018
Pedalboard: T-Rex ToneTrunk 56 Pedalboard Soft Bag
Power supply: Cioks DC5 Link
Power supply: Cioks Schizophrenic Link
Patch cables: Evidence Audio Monorail & Evidence Audio SiS Plug
ABY-boxes, true bypass loopers and MIDI: --
Accessories: T-Rex Leveling Bracket
Weight: 19 kg
Signal chain:
RMC McCoy Custom RMC3-FL Wah --> Lehle Sunday Driver --> TC Electronic Polytune 2 --> Keeley Compressor Plus --> Jam Pedals TubeDreamer + --> Friedman BE-OD --> Keeley Dyno-My-Roto --> Jam Pedals The Big Chill --> Wampler dB+ --> Keeley Delay Workstation
September 18, 2023
In the future, we are gonna post our works, actions, and events on our Instagram which gives us more possibility to interact with our customers.
February 18, 2023
August 19, 2022