General tips for better audio and video quality

  • Make sure that you are using the latest, up-to-date version of the app
  • Close all extra devices and apps using internet and pause any non-important downloads
  • You can test your internet speed on
  • The recommended connection speed is 1,5 Mbps at minimum
  • Use a pair of headphones
  • Go to a place where your background is as static as possible
  • Put some kind of a light source behind your computer or camera pointing at you
  • Place your camera on your eye level

Advanced tips:
If you’re using the Zoom app with your computer, smartphone or tablet, you can adjust your audio and video settings even further.


  • Remove the tag from ”Automatically adjust microphone volume”.

  • Go to Advanced settings and disable ”Suppress Persistent Background Noise” and ”Suppress intermittent Background Noise”.


  • If your internet connection is over 3 Mbps, you can enable HD video by tagging ”Enable HD”.